Agribusiness Public-Private Dialogues in Benghazi

Agribusiness Public-Private Dialogues in Benghazi
In the context of the EU-OECD Project on Promoting Public-Private Dialogue in Libya, the OECD is organising a public-private sector dialogue on promoting economic reforms in Libya’s agribusiness. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the main challenges facing the sector with the aim of identifying policy priorities for economic transformation and private sector growth.
- يبدأ
- 01 يناير, 1970
- ينتهي
- 01 يناير, 1970
- تصنيف الفعالية
- الأعمال الزراعية
- العنوان
- Benghazi
المقال السابق Banking Public-Private Dialogues in Benghazi
المقال التالي ICT Public-Private Dialogue in Benghazi
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