BENGHAZI - In September and October 2022, the OECD organised a series of public-private dialogues in Benghazi targeting five sectors with the highest potential for economic diversification in Libya: Banking, ICT, agribus ...
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Capacity building training held for Public-Private Champions
In July 2022, the OECD gathered 23 representatives from the public and private sector in Libya for a capacity-building programme in Caserta, Italy. The programme provides the participants, or “PPD Champions,” with the to ...
Libya joins 2022 OECD-MENA Business Advisory Board
In June 2022, Libya participated in the annual MENA-OECD Business Advisory Board (BAB) in Istanbul, Turkey. Under the theme “From recovery to economic resilience: strategies for the private sector”, the 2022 BAB focused ...
OECD Project on Promoting Public-Private Dialogue in Libya kicks off
The OECD organised a kick-off event for the EU-OECD Project on Promoting Public-Private Dialogue in Libya, bringing together public sector officials and private sector representatives to discuss the methodology for publi ...
The OECD presents at the “Made in Libya” business fair in November 2021
The OECD organized a presentation on the 26th November on the EU-OECD Project on Promoting Public-Private Dialogue in Libya, which aims to support and encourages an active economic and social dialogue between Libya’s pub ...